“The twilight”

I ‘ve decided to keep up this week, with a different issue which is Movies. I will deal with some films I’ve watched and created my own opinion about them.

The first one is Twilight. The legendary, well-known, popular and followed by so many young adults movie. You must have listened, seen or watched at least something related to it. Large dimensions of publicity characterized it very soon.

Here I would like to make a relation of this film and the hidden ideas of it, according to some theorists and relating it to my point of view. At first, the main actress Bella, is allways at the position of the weaker side. Something that is related to the foundation of feminism as Angela McRobbie would say. It’s a typical patriarchical ideology. She has to choose between the two men who give a battle for her. The final choice of course, is what allways happens in movies and many times in life!! A woman chooses a partner of a better background (richer, with more power).
The photo I’ve uploaded shows Bella or Kristen Stewart, who is is leading an individual femininity fashion culture in real life. She wears converse on red carpet. She chooses to promote this style which is followed by many teenage girls.

Beyond the main ideas of the movie, my general comment for the plot and the story is a bit of dissapointment. In the first film I was so excited and was waiting fot the second one, but then, every new movie was worst than the previous.

It may be because of the change of the director or just because a great movie would stay great If it was only one!!!


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